Special Thanks

We whole heartily acknowledge the kind help extended by our friends and well wishers.

We also thank our dedicated members who have spared their time from the busy schedule of daily life in achieving the goal.

Last but not the least, we would like to express our deep gratitude and thanks to the following for their kind co-operation in

making this occasion a grand success.


  • Government of Gujarat

  • Bharuch Municipal Corporation

  • District Collector, Bharuch

  • District Police Superintendent

  • Mamlatdar, Bharuch

  • Sub Divisional Magistrate, Bharuch

  • M L A, Bharuch

  • Police Station, Maktampur

  • Gujarat State Electricity Board, Bharuch

  • All T.V Channel, Gujarat

  • Local News Paper

  • All Advertisers, Donors, Sponsors and Subscribers